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Скачать Rock в Качалку (2014)

АвторАвтор: zenj68 | ДатаДата: 5 ноября 2014 | Нашли ошибку?
Rock в Качалку (2014)

Категория: Сборник
Исполнитель: VA
Название диска: Rock в Качалку (2014)
Жанр: Rock
Год выпуска: 2014
Количество треков: 80
Формат|Качество: mp3 | 320 kbps
Время звучания: 05:11:33
Размер файла: 721 MB


001. Clawerfield - Redemption
002. Five Finger Death Punch - Salvation (Instrumental)
003. Puddle Of Mudd - Away From Me
004. Paradise Lost - Remembrance
005. HammerFall - I Refuse
006. Accept - Primitive
007. Static-X - Cold
008. Pain - Follow Me
009. Scars of Life - Bullet With Your Name
010. Pantera - Domination
011. Shattered Pain - There's Gotta Be
012. 12 Stones - My Life
013. Disturbed - Down With The Sickness
014. Kevin Rudolf - In The City
015. Shinedown - Enemies
016. Overkill - Come And Get It
017. Dope - Die MF Die
018. Hopes Die Last - Unleash Hell
019. In Flames - Cloud Connected (Club Connected Remix)
020. Pantera - I'll Cast A Shadow
021. Sepultura - Refuse Resist
022. Agent Steel - Avenger
023. Ill Nino - God Save Us
024. Dark Moor - Death
025. Slipknot - Psychosocial
026. Nonpoint - Shadow
027. Bring Me The Horizon - Shadow Moses
028. The Used - Blood On My Hands
029. Audiomachine - Illuminati
030. As I Lay Dying - Upside Down Kingdom
031. Union Underground - Across The Nation (RAW)
032. Napalm Death - On The Brink Of Extinction
033. Trashed! - Die Another Day (Madonna cover)
034. Thousand Foot Krutch - Smack Down
035. The Bloody Beetroots feat. Refused - New Noise
036. Testor - Total Annihilation
037. Godsmack - I Stand Alone
038. Manowar - Annihilation
039. Shotgun Messiah - Revolution
040. Pantera - Revolution Is My Name
041. Emphatic - Stronger (Explicit)
042. UDO - Break The Rules
043. Avery Watts - The Core
044. Motograter - Collapse
045. Drowning Susan - My Own Summer (Shove It) - (A Deftones Cover)
046. Mudvayne - Dull Boy
047. Blue Stahli - ULTRAnumb
048. The Exies - What You Deserve
049. Emphatic - What Are You Afraid Of
050. Skillet - Hero
051. Pillar - Bring Me Down
052. Testament - Last Stand For Independence
053. Moshpit - Despise Disdain
054. Silent Descent - On That Trip
055. Emigrate - Resolution
056. Rob Zombie - Dragula
057. Mystic Prophecy - Ravenlord
058. Van Canto - Kings Of Metal (Manowar Cover)
059. Saliva - My Own Worst Enemy (feat Brent Smith of Shinedown)
060. Ministry - Bad Blood
061. Hills Have Eyes - Daydreaming Isn t So Good After All
062. Disturbed - Stupify
063. Messiah's Kiss - Angels
064. Shinedown - Enemies
065. Saliva - Sex, Drugs And Rock'N'Roll
066. Megaherz - Jagdzeit
067. Stealing Eden - Too Late
068. Breakdown of Sanity - Stronger (Kanye West Cover)
069. Linkin Park - Don't Stay
070. Device - Vilify
071. The Bride - Murder Most Foul
072. Crown The Empire - Wake Me Up
073. Kenji Inafune - Terror Is Reality (Leon)
074. Hatebreed - I Will Be Heard
075. Caliban - Sonne (Rammstein Cover)
076. Alter Bridge - Isolation
077. Machine Head - Take My Scars
078. Rob Zombie - Scum of the Earth
079. Sworn Enemy - We Hate
080. Аsking Аlехаndriа - White Line Fever

Скачать Rock в Качалку (2014)

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