01. Chapter XJ - Resurrection (Jorn Van Deynhoven remix edit) 02. Robert Nickson - Maybe Next Time 03. DJ Yvan - Adagio For Strings 2009 (Phil Green Rework) 04. Passenger 10 - Mikado (DJ Tatana Remix) 05. Dash Berlin - Never Cry Again (4AM Remix) 06. John O'Callaghan - Striker (Original Mix) 07. Andrew Bennett - Age Of Love (main mix) 08. Dustin Zahn - Stranger (To Stability) (Len Faki Podium remix) 09. Julian Vincent ft. Cathy Burton - Here For Me (Mark Otten Extended mix) 10. Sunlounger - Shine On Me (Club mix) 11. System F - Out Of The Blue 2010 (Simon Gain Remix) 12. Glenn Morrison - Another Suggestion (Original mix) 13. Andrew Bennett - Evolution (D.E.R. Remix) 14. June-Voice - Virginia (Kyohei Akagawa Remix) 15. Pacific Wave - 1998 (Dj Phunk & 3Am Mix) 16. Ummet Ozcan - Next Phase (Phase 1 Mix) 17. The Blizzard with Gaate - Iselilja (Michael Cassette dub remix) 18. Tritonal - Suede (Stoneface & Terminal remix edit) 19. Benya - Rhea (Original Mix) 20. Da 'Others - Viva La Vida (Unplugged Mix) 21. Matteo Marini - I Miss U (Original Mix) 22. Fabio XB & Andrea Mazza - Light To Lies (Giuseppe Ottaviani dub mix) 23. Saint Rush - The Rooster 24. Substance N Trance - Untill The End (Original Mix) 25. BT - Every Other Way (Armin van Buuren Remix) 26. Jordan Suckley - Out Cold (Original Mix) 27. Eide ft. Cat Martin - Give It Up 28. Skytech - Moonlit 29. Will Holland ft. Line Froyset - Things That Happen (Joe Garrett's Temple One remix) 30. Philip Kandi - Big Hot Dogs (Original Mix) 31. Riktam & Bansi - Bass Master Zorro (Jerome Isma AE Remix) 32. Marco V feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn - Coming Back (Nic Chagall Remix) 33. Anhken & Adrian - Intuition (Sunny Lax remix) 34. Claudia Cazacu - Lekker 35. Second Left - Escape 36. Simon & Shaker ft. The Sundayprayers - La Noche Del Cometa (Original Mix) 37. Evol Waves - Name Is The Answer (Original Mix) 38. Roger Shah & Signum - Healesville Sanctuary (Signum Mix) 39. Fast Distance vs. Dimension - Hold Me Love Me 40. John Shelvin - Black Moon 41. Stuart Donaghy - Haze (Original Mix) 42. 3rd Moon - Monsun 43. Gai Barone - Pinball 44. Trilucid - Departures 45. Cressida - Two-O-Ten (Original Mix) 46. Guy Mearns - Hopes & Tears (Original Mix) 47. ElSandro - Style Fusion (Jessus Progressivo mix) 48. D.Gital - Symmetric (Original Mix) 49. Xspective Sense & Beat Service - Feel Our Heaven (Beat Service Mix) 50. Beat Service - Back Of Beyond 51. Simmons & Blanc - Something About You (Mike Foyle remix) 52. Beltek - Belina (Original Mix) 53. M6 - Silverback 54. Ashley Wallbridge - Chimera (Dark edit) 55. Hiroyuki ODA - Yozora 56. Sunny Lax - Aurora 57. Russell G - Solstice (Original Mix) 58. Tritonal ft. Cristina Soto - Kiss Me Here 59. Dan Baseley - Jigsaw (Original Mix) 60. Hammer & Bennet - Language (Elevation remix) 61. Kismet - Eclipse 62. Supersub - Summer Showdown (Original Mix) 63. Talla 2XLC - Pulse (TNR Remix) 64. Anhken - Green Line (Original Mix) 65. Jonathan Martin - Insidious (Ashley Wallbridge remix) 66. Marc Lener & Kilu - Orangeland (Marc Lener & Lukke Sanders remix) 67. Nolita ft. Ross Copperman - Jump (Original dub mix) 68. Kim Svard - You & I 69. Chris Metcalfe - First Encounter (J Suckley remix) 70. M.I.K.E. pres. Plastic Boy - Chocolate Infusion (Original Mix) 71. George Acosta feat. Tiff Lacey - I Know (Beat Service Proglifting Remix) 72. Andain - Beautiful Things (Roger Shah Magic Island Remix) 73. Nery - Timeless (Balearic Mix) 74. Element One - South Haven (Funabashi Remix) 75. Ferry Corsten - Twice In A Blue Moon (Festival Edit) 76. Sun State & Astronautica - Synthetic Emotions (Original Mix) 77. Oxide - Saltwater (Morning Breeze Remix) 78. Abstract Vision vs. Elite Electronic - Everest (Cloudriver Remix) 79. Arctic Moon - Afterworld (Matt Skyer Remix) 80. Sunny Lax - Misgrey (Adam Nickey Remix) 81. Moonbeam feat. Avis Vox - We Are In Words (Ashley Wallbridge Vocal Remix) 82. Mike Shiver & Matias Lehtola - Nana (Original Mix) 83. Joop - One (Original Mix)
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