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Скачать AKVIS All Plugins 2013 Updated (22.10.2013)

АвторАвтор: Karolinka | ДатаДата: 26 октября 2013 | Нашли ошибку?
AKVIS All Plugins 2013 Updated (22.10.2013)

Пакет содержит все программы AKVIS. Мы предлагаем 4 различных вариаций обновления AKVIS. В зависимости от типа лицензии, вы получите набор Photoshop плагинов, набор отдельных программ (автономный) или набор в том числе и (Deluxe / Business).

List of plug-ins:

AKVIS AirBrush 2.0 - allows you to turn a photo into a drawing in the art airbrush. The program acts as an art filter, changing the image and turning it into a aerographic pattern according to your preferences.

Recent changes

1. Added the ability to process images using the original colors (check boxes of original colors).
2. Added 15 new ready-to-use presets.
3. Added compatibility with plug-in Adobe Photoshop CC.
4. Changed installer for Wind0ws. Now, there are two files - for Wind0ws 32 bit and 64 bit.
5. Fixed a bug in the plugin script actions.
6. Fixed an issue where in some cases, incorrect display of the preview presets.
7. The reorganization of the list of presets. Now all the presets are sorted in alphabetical order by first black-and-white presets, then colored (marked with *).

AKVIS ArtSuite 10.0 - helps to give the photos an original and festive look.
The program allows you to create a greeting card, a holiday album, a poster or a calendar, place the image in the frame to turn a color photo into a modern stylized black and white portrait, and even make color correction.
Methods of processing images in ArtSuite divided into two groups: Scope and Effects.

Recent changes
1. The new package year framework (for the standalone version).
2. For the plugin adds compatibility with Adobe Photoshop CC.
3. Changed the installer file for Wind0ws. Now there are two different files - for Wind0ws 32 bit and 64 bit.
4. Fixed some minor bugs.

AKVIS ArtWork 7.0 - the ideal solution, combining art and high technology. Artificial intelligence plays the role of the artist. The transformation happens before your eyes, you see, like pictures of a work of art is born

Recent changes
1. Added a new style of painting - gouache.
2. Added preview images for presets AKVIS.
3. Fixed bugs, including a bug with images with transparent areas, the error in the 64-bit version of the plug-in, etc.

AKVIS Chameleon 8.0 - a program for those who love to create collages and amazing artistic compositions. Chameleon saves you time and effort, so it does not require precise selection of objects and careful handling of boundaries between insert and background. That is why the program got its name - it is Chameleon, the color fits.

Recent changes
1. Added new option Guide which helps precise positioning fragment on the background image.
2. Fixed bugs.
3. Compatible with Mac OS X 10.8.

AKVIS Coloriage 9.0 - a program to colorize black-and-white photos and replacing colors on color images.

Recent changes
1. Improved pipette, which helps you to choose the colors more accurately. It has a ring of flowers with 5 sectors which displays information about the colors.
2. Added Hand and Zoom tools.
3. Added compatibility with Wind0ws 8.
4. Added compatibility with Mac OS X 10.8.
5. Fixed an issue with the GPU in a Mac-version.
6. Added the possibility to hide the color strokes and the 3rd Strokes Preview mode (the strokes are hidden) to the top panel.
7. Changed the icon for saving color pencil.
8. AutoSave folder is changed strokes. Now the C: Users Public Documents AKVIS in Wind0ws; HD / Users / Shared / AKVIS or Mac OS.

AKVIS Decorator 3.0 - allows you to create a variety of things, from the realistic to the unimaginable.
The program changes the surface of the object, imposes a new texture, while maintaining the volume, shape, folds, shadows of the original image.

Recent changes
1. Added a separate version.
2. Added selection tools: brush selection, choice of bucket, magic wand and eraser, and these additional funds: increase and Hand.
3. Added new templates for texture library. Currently, the library has a 1824 texture.
4. Now you can load almost any images as textures users. Now you can use the following formats: PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, and the size of 50x50 pixels or more. In the previous version only downloads 100x100 pixels JPEG image texture.
5. Redesigned interface (new skin).
6. Changed the application icon.
7. Added Go to the product page button on the control panel.
8. Added option to hide / show the control panel.
9. The ability to configure the panel advice.
10. Deleted on the New button on the Options bar. Currently, the process changes the texture in the preview square starts automatically if you set up the texture (the angle of rotation, scale, color).
11. Updated settings dialog box.
12. The errors in both Win and Mac versions.
13. Improved compatibility with Mac OS X Lion.
14. Added compatibility with Photoshop CS6 and Photoshop Elements plug-in version 11.
15. Added options for licenses to splash the About window.
16. Support for 32-bit images.

AKVIS Enhancer 14.0 NEW - program for processing photos, designed to improve the detail of the image, correcting tone areas and improve the sharpness and contrast of the image borders.

Recent changes
1. Added option Share which allows allows allows you to send photos from the program in the social services: Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Tumblr, Google+.
2. Added the plug compatibility with Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 and Corel PaintShop Pro X6.
3. Added support for RAW format Mamiya (*. MOS) and expanded the list of supported digital cameras from FUJIFILM, Sony, Nikon, etc.
4. Changed the display options for the Hint (deleted the old yellow style).
5. Changed the installation process for Wind0ws. Now there are two setup files: For Wind0ws 32-bit and 64-bit Wind0ws.
6. Fixed minor bugs and glitches interface.

AKVIS HDRFactory 3.5 - program to create images with high dynamic range, and for correcting photos.

Recent changes
1. Added Crop tool in the stand-alone version.
2. Added support for images with cameras Canon (CR2): Canon EOS 6D, Canon EOS 600D, Canon EOS 1100D, Canon PowerShot S100.
3. Fixed a bug with some color profiles in the plugin version for Wind0ws, and Mac OS X.
4. Fixed incorrect display of images in the plugin version for Mac OS X in a small box.
5. Fixed a problem with the scroll bar in the settings panel.
6. Improved compatibility with Wind0ws 8.

AKVIS LightShop 4.0 - program to add lighting effects to the image.

Recent changes
1. Redesigned interface. The reorganization of the work area and an optimized image processing.
2. Added two interface modes (Express and Advanced). Added new floating panels (in extended mode) and the ability to customize, save and load the workspace of the program.
3. Added new elements to create light effects, improved ones that were available in previous versions. Now 12 elements available in the program: Scope (was Blob), rings, Polygon (* NEW *), strip light, light beams (* NEW *), a particle explosion of a star (it was PolySpikeBall), an explosion of light (it was PhotonSpikeBall), rays , Halo (* NEW *), the bright spots (* NEW *), oval spots of light (* NEW *). Removed element SpikeBall and modifiers lighting effects.
Abstract: The Presets (XML files) created in the previous version will not work with the new version.
4. Added the ability to change the shape and size of the light effect by dragging with the mouse.
5. A new tool: Transform, brush - a star, a tool - the exception hand, increased.
6. Added Effects panel with 138 ready-to-use effects (presets) divided into 11 groups.
7. Updated blend modes: Pass Through mode is added, deleted - the difference and exclusion.
8. Added support for CMYK color modes, and a library.
9. Added support for 32-bit images.
10. Added compatibility with plug-in Adobe Photoshop CC.
11. Added new option in the settings of the program:
- The parameter that determines the number of recent files
- Flag that activates the load the OS, the Save As dialog
- And a check-box that blocks the view of the panel from the top.
12. Added the button Go to the home page LightShop.
13. Improved Print dialog.
14. Added Spanish language interface. The program is now available in 8 languages. Updating the software documentation.
15. Changed installer for Wind0ws. Now, there are two files - for Wind0ws 32-bit and 64-bit Wind0ws.

AKVIS Magnifier 6.0 - software for resizing digital images without loss of quality.

Recent changes
1. Added new option Noise Removal under Zoom and Zoom.
2. Added new presets.
3. Fixed bugs.
4. Compatible with Mac OS X 10.8.

AKVIS MakeUp 3.0 - a program to fix portrait photos.

Recent changes
1. New tools: whitening teeth, removing red eye, blurring.
2. Added the possibility to choose the mode of work History Brush: Restoring the original or editing brushes.
3. Added preset in the preview window. Now, when the cursor is at a given point in the drop-down list, fast results immediately displayed in the preview window.
4. Added ? View picture mode - a variety of options to display the original and the processed image, Before and After.
5. Hotkeys: Double-click the View stretches the image to fit the window by double clicking on the hand makes the image scale is 100.
6. Compatible with Mac OS X 10.8.

AKVIS MultiBrush 7.0 - ideal for photo retouching and drawing pictures, remove unwanted parts and adding new ones. The name of the program MultiBrush means many hands. And in fact, it is a laboratory in which you can edit the picture, restore old picture, to finish something on a photo or draw a picture from scratch. The program offers two sets of tools - Standard and Artistic Brushes.

Recent changes
1. Added selection tools: a rectangular selection, oval selection, lasso and polygonal lasso.
2. Added tools cropping and moving.
3. Added the Text tool and a text layer, and the ability to transform into a text box.
4. Added alignment tools (ruler, grid, guides) to help position objects precisely.
5. Added new option to the pipette - the color ring, which helps to choose colors more accurately.
6. Added a channel in the Channels palette.
7. Added a new layer blending mode - Linear Dodge.
8. Added color button on the toolbar. It displays the current color and causes a color selection dialog.
9. Added support for AKVIS format, which contains the state of the image at the time of saving, all layers (raster, art, text), and c of their properties and manually created the control points (in history).
10. Improved compatibility with Mac OS X 10.8 and Wind0ws 8.
11. Added hotkey manager, which helps to set hotkeys for tools and commands. The button that opens a dialog box shortcuts have been added to the program settings.
12. Re-organized work area, added the ability to minimize the sections in the configuration panel (Navigator, options tools, palettes).
13. Fixed a number of bugs.

AKVIS NatureArt 5.0 - a collection of unique effects that simulate natural phenomena.

Recent changes
1. Added rainbow effect. These are special tools and settings.
2. Significantly improved effect Zipper: new options.
3. Added History Brushes for use in the After tab, for the Deluxe and Business licenses.
4. Added Hand and Zoom tools.
5. Added the ability to create a new image with a transparent background version Standalone.
6. Added new presets and rain water, and changes in the effect presets Lightning.
7. Compatible with Wind0ws 8.
8. Compatible with Mac OS X 10.8.
9. Fixed a bug with transparency in the effects: Water, Ice and Fire.
10. Fixed a bug in the wrong indicator displayed in the effects of fire and the sun.
11. Fixed a bug with the lower limit of flame effect fire.
12. Fixed a bug in the scale parameter in the rain.
13. Fixed bug with incorrect display of the names of the preset in the rain.
14. Fixed a bug with wrong display of the Sun.
15. Completely redesigned in the software documentation.

AKVIS Noise Buster 9.0 NEW - program to suppress the digital noise in the image.

Recent changes
1. Added option Share which allows allows allows you to send photos from the program in the social services: Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Tumblr, Google+.
2. Added the plug compatibility with Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 and Corel PaintShop Pro X6.
3. Corrected an batch processing plug-in.
4. Added support for RAW format Mamiya (*. MOS) and expanded the list of supported digital cameras from FUJIFILM, Sony, Nikon, etc.
5. Changed the display options for the Hint (deleted the old yellow style).
6. Changed the installation process for Wind0ws. Now there are two setup files: For Wind0ws 32-bit and 64-bit Wind0ws.
7. Fixed minor bugs and glitches interface.

AKVIS Refocus 4.0 NEW - helps to sharpen the fuzzy, blurry, defocused images. With this program you can correct an entire image or to bring into focus only certain object, select it on the background elements of the plan.

Recent changes
1. Improved speed of image processing, for Tilt Shift and Iris Blur.
2. Fixed bugs.

AKVIS Retoucher 6.0 - not only removes scratches, stains and other defects from the surface of the picture, he recreates the missing pieces from the neighboring areas of the image.

Recent changes
1. Added option Share which allows allows allows you to send photos from the program in the social services: Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Tumblr, Google+.
2. Added the plug compatibility with Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 and Corel PaintShop Pro X6.
3. Added support for RAW format Mamiya (*. MOS) and expanded the list of supported digital cameras from FUJIFILM, Sony, Nikon, etc.
4. Changed the display options for the Hint (deleted the old yellow style).
5. Changed the installation process for Wind0ws. Now there are two setup files: For Wind0ws 32-bit and 64-bit Wind0ws.
6. Fixed minor bugs and glitches interface.

AKVIS Sketch 14.0 - program to create a picture from a photo.

Recent changes
1. Added Timeline which sozdyotsja list of personnel during image processing.
2. Added the new option Timeline frames in the dialog Preferences (Preferences).
3. Compatible with Mac OS X 10.8.

AKVIS SmartMask 4.5 - a tool to quickly select an object in the image.

Recent changes
1. Added the plug compatibility with Adobe Photoshop CC.
2. Changed installer for Wind0ws. Now the two files are available - for Wind0ws 32 bit and 64 bit.
3. Fixed minor bugs and glitches in the interface of both the Mac and PC versions.
Additional Information:
When you upgrade, you no longer need the old versions of the updated plug-ins, they can be removed (with the distribution did not happen).
Each plug-in can run without a graphical editor, that is as a standalone program.
Added utility (AKVIS Hunter) to automatically click on the Continue when a trial period. Instructions for use are in the folder Crack -> Akvis Hunter.
Utility provided wadimus

System requirements:
Wind0ws 7/Vista/XP 32/64 bit
Core Duo, 2 Gb RAM, 2 Gb HDD; display of 1280x1024;
video card: Direct X8 compatible, 128 Mb, color depth 32 bits

Changes from 22.10.2013
Update AKVIS Enhancer to version 14.0
Update AKVIS Refocus to version 4.0
Updating the AKVIS Noise Buster to version 9.0

Information about the program:
Year of release: 2013 (22.10.2013)
Version: Assembly of 18 plug-in 2013

Год: 2013
Язык: английский
Таблетка: присутствует
Размер: 1.15 Gb

Скачать AKVIS All Plugins 2013 Updated (22.10.2013)


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