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Скачать Remove Fake Antivirus 1.94 Portable

АвторАвтор: nik_by | ДатаДата: 5 октября 2013 | Нашли ошибку?
Remove Fake Antivirus 1.94 Portable

Remove Fake Antivirus - утилита для обнаружения и удаления из системы поддельных антивирусов, таких как Cyber Security, Braviax, Alpha Antivirus, Green AV, Windows Protection Suite, Total Security, Windows System Suite, Personal Antivirus, Anti-Virus-1, Antivirus 8 и других (всего в базе данных Remove Fake Antivirus содержатся данные более 80 фальшивках).

Cписок объектов, подлежащих удалению:
1. Antivirus Security Pro
2. Attentive Antivirus
3. Antivirus System File
4. iON Internet Security
5. Smart Security
6. PC Defender Plus
7. Windows Proprietary Advisor
8. Windows Smart Warden
9. Home Malware Cleaner
10. Strong Malware Defender
11. AV Security 2012
12. Data Recovery
13. Wolfram Antivirus
14. Security Protection
15. Windows Antivirus 2011
16. Mega Antivirus 2012
17. AVG Antivirus 2011
18. PC Security 2011
19. ThinkPoint
20. ThinkSmart
21. Antivirus 8
22. Security Tool
23. My Security Shield
24. Antivirus 7
25. Antivirus GT
26. Defense Center
27. Protection Center
28. Sysinternals Antivirus
29. Security Master AV
30. CleanUp Antivirus
31. Security Toolbar
32. Digital Protection
33. XP Smart Security 2010
34. Antivirus Suite
35. Vista Security Tool 2010
36. Total XP Security
37. Security Central
38. Security Antivirus
39. Total PC Defender 2010
40. Vista Antivirus Pro 2010
41. Your PC Protector
42. Vista Internet Security 2010
43. XP Guardian
44. Vista Guardian 2010
45. Antivirus Soft
46. XP Internet Security 2010
47. Antivir 2010
48. Live PC Care
49. Malware Defense
50. Internet Security 2010
51. Desktop Defender 2010
52. Antivirus Live
53. Personal Security
54. Cyber Security
55. Alpha Antivirus
56. Windows Enterprise Suite
57. Security Center
58. Control Center
59. Braviax
60. Windows Police Pro
61. Antivirus Pro 2010
62. PC Antispyware 2010
63. FraudTool.MalwareProtector.d
64. Winshield2009.com
65. Green AV
66. Windows Protection Suite
67. Total Security 2009
68. Windows System Suite
69. Antivirus BEST
70. System Security
71. Personal Antivirus
72. System Security 2009
73. Malware Doctor
74. Antivirus System Pro
75. WinPC Defender
76. Anti-Virus-1
77. Spyware Guard 2008
78. System Guard 2009
79. Antivirus 2009
80. Antivirus 2010
81. Antivirus Pro 2009
82. Antivirus 360
83. MS Antispyware 2009
84. IGuardPC or I Guard PC
85. Additional Guard

Remove Fake Antivirus - is used to remove the most popular fake antiviruses. What is fake antivirus? This is a type of virus/malwares which disguises itself to be an antivirus. It infects your computer when you accidentally click a link in a website which will download the malware into your computer and run automatically when your windows boot. It scan the infected computer and produces fake alert warnings. It convinces you that your computer is in danger and urge you to purchase a useless copy of the fake antivirus. These fake antiviruses must be removed immediately.

ОС: Windows® 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8 (32/64-бит)
Интерфейс: English
Лекарство: Не требуется
Размер: 235 Kb


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