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Скачать Truncad 3DGenerator 9.0.35

АвторАвтор: olejkatom | ДатаДата: 29 мая 2013 | Нашли ошибку?
Truncad 3DGenerator 9.0.35

Truncad 3DGenerator — это довольно быстрая и простая в использовании программа для проектирования, расчета и изготовления мебели. Теперь Вы имеете возможность прилично автоматизировать Ваш рабочий процесс и увеличить его эффективность. 3DGenerator в текущей версии предлагает несколько новых функций для офисной мебели, торгового оборудования и дизайна интерьера.

3DGENERATOR предлагает возможность размещения нового продукта на рынок с целью получения прибыли. С 3DGENERATOR ваши клиенты могут планировать и производить шкафы в течение всего лишь нескольких минут.

С 3DGenerator все параметры могут быть изменены в любое время и представлены для ваших клиентов с помощью только одного клика.
С помощью только одной кнопки фактическое построение деталей рассчитается и сможет быть экспортировано в Excel или текстовый файл, которые будут содержать все наименования деталей и их размеры.
Экспортированные 3D-DXF-файлы совместимы с большинством 3D-CAD-Системами и могут быть изменены там.
3DGenerator понизит количество шагов от планирования до производства.

Truncad 3DGenerator is a very fast and easy to use software for designing, calculating and fabricating furniture. In future you can automate steps in your working process to a high degree and take advantage of the efficiency in workflow. We have developed a new module: scribble. With this module you can design a cabinet the way you are used to right now. You simply scribble with the mouse on the display. Dividers and frontparts are placed and moved with the mouse. After you finished the scribble the information is exported to 3DGENERATOR and displayed in 3D. After importing the scribble to 3DGENERATOR all functions like partlist and CNC-export can be used directly. The scribblemodule speeds up the presentation for your customer.

Involve your customer directly in the planning process. So you can reduce disappoinment, your customer can take part in designing the furniture. 3DGENERATOR helps you plan a single furniture as well as complete rooms. It only takes a few parameters in order to get a realistic 3D model for your customer. If your customer needs time to decide just give him the presentation and our 3D-Viewer to take to her/his own PC.

Save data
Once your cusomer is happy with the design 3DGENERATOR calculates an offer according to your individual wages. All infos are available immediatly after the design is finished. Thanks to the high degree of compatibility of 3DGENERATOR the data can be exported to many softwarepackages. You can use your trusted softwareenvironment and the efficient flow of data is guaranteed.

Complex projects
Just as simple as the presentation it just takes one click to generate a partlist, cutting lists and even CAM-programs and 2D- and 3D-Geometry. You can definedifferent cuttingplaes which can be exported as 2D-DXF-drawings to almost any CAD-System. The construction from 3DGENERATOR can be exported to almost any 3D-CAD-System and changed. So you can use 3DGENERATOR for complex projects to start with and export the data to CAM-Systems. Now production can start immediately.

1. Presentation
With 3DGENERATOR all parameters can be changed at any time and presented to your customer with just one click.

2. Calculation
With one click the actual construction will be calculated and partlist can be exported to Excel or textfiles, which contail all names and measurements.

3. CAD
The exported 3D-DXF-files are compatible to most 3D-CAD-Systems and can be changed there.

4. CAM-Export
3DGENERATOR reduces the steps from planning to production.

Год выпуска: 2013
Разработчик: www. truncad. de/EN/3dgenerator/
ОС: Windows® XP/Vista/7
Язык интерфейса: Czech, Dutch, English, Finnish, Flemish, French, German, Italian, Hungarian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish
Лекарство: Присутствует
Размер: 286.76 MB

Скачать: Truncad 3DGenerator 9.0.35





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