Исполнитель: Armin van Buuren, VA Альбом: A State Of Trance Episode 600: Live @ Sao Paolo Год выпуска: 02.03.2013 Жанр: Trance, Progressive Trance Кол-во треков: 106 Время звучания: 09:02:20 Формат | Качество: MP3 | 256 kbps Размер: 993.71 Mb
Треклист: Armin van Buuren (LIVE from the ASOT Studio) 01. ID - ID 02. Matt Darey Ft. Kate Louise Smith - See The Sun (Hazem Beltagui Remix) [S107] 03. Losing Rays - Lonely Streets (Gregory Esayan Remix) [Incepto] 04. Verve & Insilico - Synergy 05. Denis Kenzo feat. Sveta B. - Lullaby Lonely (Progressive Mix) [Infrasonic] 06. Space Manoeuvres - Stage One (Space Manoeuvres' Separation Mix) [Hooj Choons] 07. ID - ID 08. Rex Mundi - Sandstone (Original Mix) [Armada] 09. ID - ID
Ruben De Ronde 01. Danny Chen - Last Chance For Love (Original Mix) [Statement] 02. Andrew Bayer & Matt Lange Ft. Kerry Leva - In And Out of Phase (Norin & Rad Remix) [Anjunabeats] 03. Above & Beyond Ft. Richard Bedford - On My Way To Filmic (Ruben De Ronde Mashup) 04. Tenishia & Ruben de Ronde - Marsascala (Alexander Popov Remix) [Soundpiercing] 05. Tenishia & Ruben de Ronde Ft. Shannon Hurley - Love Survives (Toby Hedges Remix) [S107] 06. Ruben De Ronde & Danny Chen – Bright (Ruben De Ronde Remix) 07. Alexander Turok - Destiny (Alexander Popov Remix) 08. Bluestone - Sinai [Anjunabeats] 09. Breakfast - Remember (Original Mix) [Flashover] 10. Ruben de Ronde - Timide (Craving Remix) [Statement] 11. Super 8 Vs. Dj Tab - Needs To Feel (Wippenberg Mix)
Tomas Heredia 01. KhoMha - Dejavu (Intro Mix) [Coldharbour] 02. Fisherman & Hawkins - Apache (ID Remix) [Coldharbour] 03. Chris Schweizer & Tomas Heredia - Darksiders (Original Mix) [Armada] 04. Dash Berlin feat. Chris Madin - Fool For Life (Tomas Heredia Remix) [Armada] 05. Protoculture - Laguna (Original Mix) [Re*brand] 06. Dennis Sheperd & Cold Blue feat. Ana Criado - Fallen Angel 07. Heatbeat - Rocker Monster (Tomas Heredia Remix) [Armada] 08. Tomas Heredia - ID [WORLD PREMIERE] 09. Tomas Heredia – Moonlight (Original Mix) [Armada] 10. Jon O'Bir feat. Fisher - Found A Way (Joint Operations Centre Remix) [Spinnin] 11. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren With Rank 1 - Witness (Tomas Heredia Remix) 12. ID - ID 13. Above & Beyond ft Richard Bedford - Liquid Love (Tomas Heredia Mashup) 14. Armin van Buuren - Communication (Tomas Heredia 2012 Mix) Orjan Nilsen [03:15 - 04:30am] 01. Armin Van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition (rjan Nilsen Remix) 02. Christian Burns, Paul Oakenfold & JES - As We Collide (rjan Nilsen Remix) 03. Carnage & Borgore - Incredible (Original Mix) [Spinnin] 04. rjan Nilsen - Endymion (Original Mix) [Armada] 05. rjan Nilsen - No Saint Out Of Me 06. Emma Hewitt - Rewind (Mikkas Remix) 07. rjan Nilsen - Amsterdam (Original Mix) [Armind] 08. Filterheadz - The Game (Original Mix) [Futuristing] 09. rjan Nilsen - Filthy Fandango (Original Mix) [Armada] 10. ID - ID 11. rjan Nilsen - Burana (Original Mix) [Armada] 12. W&W vs UmmetOzcan - The Code (Original Mix) [Revealed] 13. Armin van Buuren & rjan Nilsen - Belter (Original Mix) [Armada] 14. Push - Universal Nation (rjan Nilsen Remix) 15. Tiesto - Adiago For Strings (ID Remix)
Markus Schulz 01. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition (KhoMha Intro Mix) [ASOT] 02. Ashley Wallbridge - Zorro (Rafael Frost Remix) [ARVA] 03. Fisherman & Hawkins - Apache (Original Mix) [Coldharbour] 04. ID - ID 05. Markus Schulz - Digital Madness (Transmission 2011 Theme) (Original Mix) [Armada] 06. ID - ID 07. Markus Schulz Ft. Ana Diaz - Nothing Without Me (Beat Service Remix) [Coldharbour] 08. W&W - White Label (Original Mix) [Mainstage .Armada] 09. Omnia vs Markus Schulz & Sarah Howells - The Light is Tempted (Markus Schulz Mashup) [Coldharbour] 10. Markus Schulz & Elevation - Finish Line (Original Mix) [Armada] 11. ID - ID 12. ID - ID 13. Markus Schulz - The Spiritual Gateway (Transmission Theme 2013) [Armada] 14. Markus Schulz Ft. Justine Suissa - Perception (Original Mix) [Armada] 15. Markus Schulz & Andy Moor - Daydream (Original Mix) [Coldharbour] 16. Markus Schulz Ft. Fiora - Deep In The Night (Original Mix) [Coldharbour] 17. Markus Schulz & Jochen Miller Ft. Cerf - Carry On Rotunda (Markus Schulz Mashup) 18. Markus Schulz & Ferry Corsten - Loops & Tings (Original Mix) [Coldharbour] 19. KhoMha - Dusk Riddles (Original Mix) [Coldharbour] 20. Bingo Players Vs Hardwell vs Omnia & Ira - Out Of My Mind Vs Spaceman Vs The Fusion (Markus Schulz Mashup)
Armin van Buuren 01. Armin van Buuren - Suddenly Summer (ID Intro) 02. Shogun - Drop (Original Mix) [Armind] 03. Armin Van Buuren and Arty - Nehalennia (Original Mix) [Armada] 04. Rank 1 - Airwave (Jullians Bootleg) 05. Armin Van Buuren Ft. Emma Hewitt - Forever Is Ours (Original Mix) [Armada] {Forthcoming on “Intense” the new album from Armin} 06. ID - ID (Samba Mashup) 07. Armin Van Buuren & W&W - D#Fat (Original Mix) [Armada] 08. ID - ID 09. Faruk Sabanci - Elveda (Original Mix) [AVA] 10. Alexander Popov - Lost Language [Armind] {ASOT2013 Album} 11. Armin Van Buuren presents Gaia - Humming The Lights (Original Mix) [ASOT] 12. Alexandre Bergheau - Damavand (Original Mix) [Blue Soho] 13. Armin van Buuren & Markus Schulz - The Expedition {ASOT#600 Anthem} (Original Mix) [Armada] 14. Armin van Buuren - In And Out Of Love vs. Dada Life - Kick Out The Epic Motherfu*ker (Ronski Speed MashUp) 15. UCast vs. MaRLo - Genesis Boom (Armin van Buuren Mashup) 16. Mark Sherry Vs MaRLo - Sangre Caliente Vs Megalodon (The Boss Mashup) 17. Solarstone - 3rd earth (Heatbeat Remix) vs. Armin van Buuren Ft. Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Not Giving Up On Love (AvB Mashup) 18. Super8 & Tab - Elektra (Solis & Sean Truby Remix) [Anjunabeats] 19. Andy Moor & Ashley Wallbridge Ft. Gabriela - World to Turn (Daniel Kandi's Bangin' Mix) 20. Planet Perfecto Knights - ResurRection (Paul Oakenfold Full On Fluoro Mix) [Perfecto] 21. Ciro Visone - First Coming (Ian Standerwick Remix) 22. Armin van Buuren - Communication (John Askew Remix) [ASOT] 23. Alex M.O.R.P.H. Ft. Sylvia Tosun - An Angel's Love (Vocal Mix) [Armada] 24. Andain - What's Like (Sneijder Remix) [BlackHole] 25. Photographer vs. Armin van Buuren - Airport Shivers Accapella (Armin van Buuren Mashup) 26. Sasha Carassi & Mikael Jonasson Void vs Gaia - Status Excessu D (Armin van Buuren Mashup) 27. Armin van Buuren - Sail (Original Mix) [Armada]
Jorn van Deynhoven 01. Jorn van Deynhoven - Headliner (Intro Edit) [Armada] 02. Jorn Van Deynhoven - Spotlight (Original Mix) [Armada] 03. Dutch Force - Deadline (Timo Pralle Rework) 04. Lange - Follow Me (Darren Porter 2012 Rework) 05. Cygnus X - Orange Theme (Allen & Envy Rework) 06. ID - ID 07. Darren Porter - Spellbound (Original Mix) [Monster Digital] 08. Daniel Kandi pres. Timmus - Symphonica (Original Mix) [Spinnin] 09. Jorn van Deynhoven - Superfly (Original Mix) [Armada] 10. Temple One - In Her Eyes (Original Mix) [Black Hole]
Скачать Armin van Buuren - A State Of Trance Episode 600: Live @ Sao Paolo (02.03.2013)
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