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Скачать VA - Ministry of Sound: Clubber's Guide to Festivals (2012). MP3

АвторАвтор: ando7777 | ДатаДата: 28 июня 2012 | Нашли ошибку?
VA - Ministry of Sound: Clubber's Guide to Festivals (2012). MP3

Исполнитель: VA
Альбом: Ministry of Sound: Clubber's Guide to Festivals
Год выхода: 2012
Жанр: dance , hip hop, rap, pop
Кол-во треков: 60
Формат: MP3
Качество: 240 kbps
Продолжительность: 04:58:08min
Размер: 538.74 MB

disc 1
1. The The Power - DJ Fresh
2. Blind Faith - Chase & Status
3. Innocence - Nero
4. Hush Little Baby (Rudimental Remix) - Wretch 32
5. Midnight Run (Flux Pavilion Remix)- Example
6. Prayin' (Breakage's Bad Week Remix) - Plan B
7. Anthemic - Magnetic Man
8. We Come 1 - Faithless
9. The Island (Steve Angello, AN21, Max Vangelli Remix) - Pendulum
10. Red Alert - Basement Jaxx
11. The Rockafeller Skank - Fatboy Slim
12. I See You Baby - Groove Armada
13. Flex (Dave Spoon Remix) - Dizzee Rascal
14. Boom Blast - Wiley
15. Breathe - Prodigy (The)
16. Light Up (The World) - Yasmin
17. Going Through Hell (Diplo Remix) - The Streets
18. Parasite - Hadouken!
19. Unite Us (Xilent Remix)- Pnau
20. Love In Motion (Skrillex's Funkt Out Mix/Remix)- SebastiAn

disc 2
1. Levels - Avicii
2. Feel So Close - Calvin Harris
3. Club Can't Handle Me (Sidney Samson Remix) - Flo Rida
4. Icarus - Madeon
5. Language - Porter Robinson
6. Nothing Inside (Julian Jordan Remix)- Sander Van Doorn
7. Let The Bass Kick In Miami Bitch (MYNC Ia€™m In Richmond Bitch Remix)- LMFAO
8. Midnight City (Eric Prydz Private Remix) - M83
9. Rapture (Avicii New Generation Extended Remix) - Nadia Ali
10. Metrum - Fedde Le Grand
11. Zero 76 - DJ Tiesto
12. Rattle - Bingo Players
13. Pressure (Alesso Simply Delicious Edit/Remix) - Nadia Ali
14. Resurrection (Axwella€™s Recut Club Version/Remix) - Michael Calfan
15. Heiress Of Valentina (Alesso Exclusive Mix/Remix) - Alesso
16. Warrior (nstrumental Mix/Remix)- Michael Woods
17. Generation 303 - Nicky Romero
18. You Got To Go - Above & Beyond
19. Shinjuku (Michael Woods Remix) - Funkagenda
20. Moombah! (Afrojack Mix/Remix)- Silvio Ecomo

disc 3
1. Daydreamer - Flux Pavilion
2. Still Getting It - Foreign Beggars
3. Get Out My Head - Redlight
4. Pon De Floor - Major Lazer
5. Could This Be Real - Sub Focus
6. Infinity - Alvin Risk
7. Juicy Fruit - Zinc
8. Internet Friends - Knife Party
9. What Can You Do For Me - Utah Saints
10. You Take Me Higher (Cyantific Remix) - Rogerseventytwo
11. Hot Right Now - DJ Fresh
12. Trapdoor - Feed Me
13. Led Astray - Friction
14. Snap Ya Neck Back (Cage's Dirtee Stank Club Mix/Remix) - DJ Muggs
15. Anticipate - Skream
16. Natural Disaster (Skream Remix) - Laidback Luke
17. The Word (Deckscar Remix)- Wideboys (The)
18. Satisfaction (J. Rabbit Remix)- Biz (The)
19. She Blows (Whistle Song) (Dillion Francis Remix) - Time Takers
20. Control - Disclosure


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