"Карманный Системный Диск-Реаниматор" - Utility CD 8cm вобрал в себя более 100 лучших программ и утилит, - практически все самое необходимое для экспресс анализа и помощи при обслуживании, диагностики, ремонта и восстановлении системы компьютера. Специально создан для записи его на 8-ми см диск объемом в 210 MB, чтобы он был всегда с вами, чтобы не случилось ни у вас, ни у ваших друзей, ни у ваших клиентов. Включает DOS Menu с программами тестинга, бэкапа, лечения и реанимации, включая оболочку ERD Commander 2005 с множеством утилит с которой можно выйти в интернет, записать данные на CD/DVD диск и многое другое кнопочное Windows Menu - содержащие около 90 отборных программ, - от антивирусной и антишпионских программ, оптимизации и чистки реестра и системы в целом, тестирования и определения аппаратных средств, чистой деинсталляции, до подбора паролей и восстановления поврежденных архивов и многое многое другое.
1/ McAfee Stinger - Removes specific viruses. 2/ Dr.Web CureIt - Anti-Virus Scanner. 3/ McAfee AV on C:\ - Anti-Virus Scanner that updates itself and runs from the C:\ drive. 4/ Ad-Aware - Detects and removes Adware, Spyware and Trojans. 5/ X-Ray PC - Browser Hijacker Detector and Remover. 6/ Hijack This - Browser Hijacker Detector and Remover. 7/ CWS Shredder - Removes CoolWebSearch Browser Hijacker. 8/ Diagnose Windows - Security Scanner. 9/ RootKit Eliminator - Detects and removes RootKits. 10/ Driver Manager - Details, manages and controls drivers. 11/ AutoRuns - Controls Autorun Programs and Services. 12/ Process Explorer - Displays running Processes. 13/ ProcessActivityView - Shows all files and folders that a process accesses. 14/ Service Manager - Displays and Manages Services. 15/ MultiMon - Displays Registry, File, Keyboard, Device, System access. 16/ OpenedFilesView - Displays the list of all opened files on your system. 17/ Wise Regcleaner - Registry cleaner. 18/ Registry Defrag - Registry defragmentation.. 19/ Registry Supreme - Registry cleaner, compactor and manager.. 20/ WinDoctor - Registry cleaner. 21/ Reg Organizer - Registry editor/cleaner/comparison, Disk cleaner, Search & Replace. 22/ AdapterWatch - Displays useful information about your network adapters. 23/ NetInfo - Network information, Verifies Email addresses. 24/ WirelessNetView - Monitors the activity of wireless networks. 25/ Network Stumbler - Detects Wireless LANs. 26/ WirelessKeyView - Reveals Wireless keys. 27/ TCPOptimizer - Optimizes Internet Connection. 28/ TCPIP.sys Patch - Alters the maximum incomplete concurrent connection limit in XP. 29/ Modem Test - Modem Tester. 30/ CurrPorts - Lists Active Ports. 31/ MyLanViewer - Local Area Network Scanner. 32/ System Information - Shows system information. 33/ Monitor Tester - Monitor Tester. 34/ Unknown Devices - Detects Device Information. 35/ Update Checker - Checks for Software updates online. 36/ Windows Update List - Lists applied Windows updates. 37/ Norton Disk Doctor - Improved ScanDisk. 38/ HDTune Pro HDD - Testing & Benchmarks, Erasing, Folder Usage and SMART status. 39/ Ultimate Defrag - Defragmenter 40/ Page Defrag - Defragments the PageFile and the Registry. 41/ ExPcFix - Registry cleanup. 42/ Registry WorkShop - Advanced Registry editor. 43/ Final Data Enterprise - Recovers deleted files, Email and Office files. 44/ BadCopy Pro - Recovers files from CD and other media. 45/ Doc Rescue Pro - File recovery. 46/ Unstoppable Copier - Recovers files or partial files. 47/ WinImage - Reads and writes disk images. 48/ Norton Ghost Explorer - Explore Norton Ghost Images. 49/ VISTA Manager - Various VISTA Utilities and Tweaks. 50/ XP Anti-Spy - Various Windows XP Settings. 51/ X-Setup Pro - Windows XP Tweaks. 52/ FreshUI - Windows Tweaks. 53/ XP REG TWEAKS - Various Registry Tweaks for XP. 54/ BackRex Expert - Saves and restores OE, Outlook, IE6 and other folders and settings. 55/ Dial-Up Magic - Saves and restores Dial-Up connections 56/ ERUNT - Backs up the Registry. 57/ WinDriver Ghost - Saves drivers, favourites and Outlook folders. 58/ RadarSync - Checks for newer drivers and downloads them. 59/ Driver Cleaner - Removes Video and Audio driver remnants. 60/ Installer Cleaner - Removes Windows Installer entries for selected programs. 61/ MSIFix - Removes Bad MSI Registry Keys. 62/ OpenWithView - Displays the list of applications in the 'Open With' dialog-box. 63/ Unlocker - Deletes, Moves and Renames Locked Files. 64/ DiskRecon - File Search, Duplicate Finder and File Monitor. 65/ Disk Cleaner - Cleans Temp Folders etc. 66/ USBDeview - Lists and uninstalls USB devices. 67/ PW Microsoft Office - Finds Microsoft Office Passwords. 68/ PW WinRAR - Finds WinRAR Passwords. 69/ PW WinZip - Finds WinZIP Passwords. 70/ AIMPR - Finds Instant Messenger Passwords. 71/ IPW Toolbox - Finds IE, OE, Outlook and Dial-Up Passwords. 72/ PW SAMInside - Finds SAM Passwords (inc. Syskey encrypted ). 73/ Proactive System Password Recovery - Reveals Passwords, CD Keys, Button enabler etc. 74/ SniffPass - Reveals Network Passwords. 75/ Zip Repair - Repairs Wizip Files. 76/ Excel Repair - Repairs Excel Files. 77/ Word Repair - Repairs Word Files. 78/ Outlook Express Repair - Repairs Outlook Express Files. 79/ Outlook Recovery - Recovers Outlook Files. 80/ Restore OE - Registers OE as the default e-mail client. 81/ XP Security Console - XP Security Settings Tool. 82/ MyEventViewer - Alternative to the standard event viewer of Windows. 83/ FileTypesMan - Alternative to the 'File Types' tab in the 'Folder Options'. 84/ Image Editor - Sets and resets image editor defaults and image file associations. 85/ MM View - Displays Codecs and ActiveX Filters. 86/ GSpot - Lists existing and required Audio and Video Codecs. 87/ RegDllView - Displays the list of all registered dll/ocx/exe files. 88/ Register Controls - ActiveX Control Registration Utility. 89/ ShellEx View - Disables and Enables Shell Extensions. 90/ ShellMenuView - Displays a list of menu items that appear in Explorer context menus. 91/ SYS Exporter - Exports List data. 92/ AutoPlay Fix - MS AutoPlay Repair. Fixes defective AutoPlay settings. 93/ XP Taskbar Repair - Repairs TaskBar, Notification Area and QuickLaunch problems. 94/ XP Toolbar Repair - Repairs XP Toolbars. 95/ MBR GUI - GUI for MBRFix and MBRWizard. 96/ WinSock Fix - Winsock and TCP Repair Utility. 97/ LSP Fix - Winsock 2 Repair Utility. 98/ WinLogin Remove - Scans Registry for WinLogin.exe and allows removal. 99/ OfficeINS - Disables and Enables Office Add-Ins. 100/ Access Enumerator - Manages File Access Security Permissions. 101/ Application Mover - Moves programs to another folder or drive.. 102/ UnCHK - Recovers CHK files. 103/ EasyBCD - Controls the Windows VISTA bootloader. 104/ Disable/Enable WFP - Disables or Enables Windows File Protection. 105/ Stabilty Test - System Stabilty Tester. 106/ Dial-a-fix - Various Microsoft Knowledgebase sourced fixes. 107/ MJ’s Help Diag - Repairs Help System. Registers DLLs and OCX. 108/ NewSID - Changes SID and Computer Name.. 109/ Fix XP Logon - Resets GINA. 110/ Prefetch Control - Windows XP Prefetch Clean and Control. 111/ Restore Calendar - Restores the XP System Restore Calendar. 112/ SysTracer - Records file and Registry modifications.. 113/ SAVE DATA - Batch File to Save User Files to a folder.. 114/ WIPE IT - Securely overwrites drives. 115/ Key Reader - Reveals and changes Windows CD Keys. 116/ PC Decrapifier - Uninstalls and cleans trialware from new computers. 117/ Disable Messenger - Disable Windows Messenger. 118/ Perfect Uninstaller = Uninstalls difficult to remove programs. 119/ WinLister - Displays the list of opened windows on your system. 120/ PDF Reader - Reads and Edits PDF files. 121/ WinRAR - Creates and extracts RAR and ZIP files. 122/ TinyHEXER - HEX reader. 123/ CD/DVD Writer - Sateira DVD/CD Burner. 124/ Off By One - Internet Browser. 125/ Popcorn - Email Client. Can also delete mail directly on the server. 126/ Useful Sites - List of useful Web Sites.
Changes since v21.00:
21.10 Updated SuperAntiSpyware on the Windows Menu to v4.26.0.1006. Updated FileTypesMan on the Windows Menu to v1.55. Updated OpenedFilesView on the Windows Menu to v1.46. Updated WirelessKeyView on the Windows Menu to v1.30. Updated ShellExView on the Windows Menu to v1.45. Updated CurrPorts on the Windows Menu to v1.80. Updated USBDeview on the Windows Menu to v1.48. Updated PC Decrapifier on the Windows Menu to v2.1.0. Updated IBM-Hitachi Drive Fitness Test on the DOS Menu to v.4.16. Updated Memtest86 on the DOS Menu to v4.00.
21.20 Updated Vista Manager on the Windows Menu to v3.0.9. Updated Windows 7 Manager on the Windows Menu to v1.1.6. Updated Registry Organizer on the Windows Menu to v5.00. Updated WinRAR on the Windows Menu and the ERD Commander Desktop to v3.91. Updated UnLocker on the Windows Menu to v1.8.8. Added XYplorer to the Windows Menu. Updated RadarSync on the Windows Menu to the 2010 version.
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