3D-CAD/CAM системы CADWORK обеспечивает комплексное планирование, начиная с архитектурного исследования и проектирования до изготовления деталей.Модульная архитектура позволяет легко обрабатывать как планирование заказа на строительные работы, а также создавать фотореалистичные изображения / фотомонтажи (см. все иллюстрации к этой статье). Все содержание плана может быть представлена ??в виде линии, текст, поставив размер и фактуры, полученные элементы могут быть случайно перемещать, копировать и растягивать.
Photorealistic images, scanned photographs and plans for the location or lists of timber transported directly to the plan. cadwork offers a very extensive library with all the important elements of the drawings. These include, for example, architectural components, as well as: people, furniture, electrical symbols, connectors, and connecting elements of different manufacturers.
System requirements:
Operating System: Windows A® XP Professional (32-bit and 64-bit) Windows A® Vista Ultimate and Business Edition (32-bit and 64-bit) Version A«HomeA» are not supported Windows A® 7 (32-bit and 64-bit) Version A«HomeA» are not supported
Processor: The high clock frequency fundamentally better than more cores. So fast dual-core processors (eg, 3 GHz) quad core is preferable.
Memory: 32-bit versions of Windows support RAM up to 3GB. 64-bit systems provide the ability to use memory much larger volume. To effectively use all of the performance when only a single process in the software cadwork will never, however, in this case compared to the 32-bit system performance increases. Everyone knows that to save on RAM should not be.
Video Card PC: Basically, it supports all modern video cards Nvidia and ATI. Products FireGL (ATI) or series QuadroFX (Nvidia) suitable for CAD is better than standard models. The more individual projects and the deeper work in CAD, the better to invest in this part of the hardware. Note that the system is a graphical input-output has its own graphics memory. Do not use the so-called system shared memory, which does not have its own graphics memory. When you work with version 17 requires that necessarily supports hierarchical object-oriented graphics system (HOOPS). Graphics cards recommended for use by HOOPS, can be found here: Enlaces de descarga:
(Beware the column A«HOOPSA» should be the version 17.h). Experience shows that using multiple monitors greatly facilitates the daily work. Therefore it is better to take care of the presence of two (digital) outputs. It should be noted (especially when buying a laptop) to the fact that the resolution was not less than 1280 x 1024 pixels.
Год: 2010 Версия: 18 Build 167/290 Производитель: cadwork Бит: 32bit Compatibility with Vista: complete Compatible with Windows 7 full time Язык: Multilingual Лекарство: Present Размер: 4.49 Gb
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