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Скачать Zoner Photo Studio Professional

АвторАвтор: onlyref75 | ДатаДата: 28 ноября 2009 | Нашли ошибку?
Zoner Photo Studio Professional

Zoner Photo Studio — полный комплект, предназначенный для высококачественной обработки цифровой фотографии. Одной из возможностей софта является извлечение из снимков информации о местонахождении фотографа во время совершения съемки и соотношение этих данных с картографическими программами. Иначе говоря, при использовании соответствующей камеры, в последствии пользователь на виртуальной карте может найти то место, где совершался снимок — производитель утверждает, что это уникальная особенность продукта. PhotoStudio работает с большинством моделей цифровых камер и включает средства для редактирования снимков, позволяет добавлять к снимкам текстовые описания, создавать каталоги фотографий на различных носителях и т.п. Используя программу также можно создавать макеты календарей, онлайновые фотогалереи и многое другое.

Вы сможете добиться поразительных эффектов:
• При создании панорам
• При создании 3D-изображений
• При преобразовании в оттенки серого и прочих манипуляциях с цветом
• При коррекции вспышки
• При создании картин и античных фотографий
• Добавляя волны и зернистость
• Оформляя фотографии рамками, линиями, приглушёнными тенями и т.д.

Получение изображений:
• Поддержка всех типов цифровых фотоаппаратов (USB Mass Storage и Canon)
• Сканирование через интерфейс TWAIN, скачивание изображений с сайтов
• Расширенный захват экрана и передача данных из буфера обмена
• Конвертирование («вызов») формата Canon RAW (CRW)

Всe для улучшения фотографий и устранения графических дефектов:
• Правка экспозиции с помощью уровней и кривых
• Правка цветов, резкости, прояснение теней
• Удаление эффекта «красных глаз»
• Редукция шума и хроматические дефекты
• Коррекция бочкообразности и перспективы
• Выравнивание горизонта и сходящихся линий
• Инструменты для ретуширования: штемпель клонирования, утюжок, кисть и заливка, поворот и обрез
• Пакетные операции с фотографиями

Efficient, precise and simple
It’s all about quality results and time – your time. That’s why you need Zoner Photo Studio for your workflow. Whether you are working with one photo or many from a large photo shoot, you want perfection and you don’t have time to waste. The wide range of editing features in Zoner Photo Studio ensures results that you and your clients will be proud of. You’ll save time with the great batch processing settings that will make your workflow even more efficient. Zoner Photo Studio makes editing and defect correction on many photos just as straightforward as if you were processing one photo. In addition, you can create and save templates to make any combination of edits to any set of photos. And the new editing Layer will improve your workflow. Of course, all of the editing features in Zoner Photo Studio Professional Edition support 16 bit per channel color depth and our outstanding color management minimizes loss of image quality.

Your path to perfect photos
Even the best photographer can run into bad conditions. Poor lighting, troubles with finding proper composition, hurrying to catch a unique moment, distracting elements in the middle of the scene… at one time or another we’ve all run into problems beyond our control. Zoner Photo Studio gives you powerful editing tools to give your photos the right light, color, sharpness, and shine. With Zoner Photo Studio, you’ll have everything that you need to get perfect photos!

Manage your photos and metadata
Photos! Photos! Photos! Filling up your computer hard drive - and no end in sight! Sorting and organizing a photo archive is the nightmare of many photographers. With Zoner Photo Studio, you are in control.

With all the work you do with photos, you know that there is more to a digital photo than just the picture. Metadata – it’s the invaluable information behind the photo: descriptions, how it was taken, data from RAW files, even GPS data! Zoner Photo Studio makes sure it is all there for you. Zoner Photo Studio makes assigning information to photos simple and efficient, no matter if you’re labeling one photo or one thousand: search on any of the metadata bits that were included by your camera or added by you. You can even view the metadata while browsing your photo thumbnails. With Zoner Photo Studio, you will never lose track of your photos’ metadata.

The reliable archive: standards and protection
Adding information is easy in Zoner Photo Studio, but how about making sure that the metadata doesn’t get stripped or lost? And that’s no small thing: some programs will actually remove information during tasks as basic as rotating your photos. With Zoner Photo Studio your information will be safe and Zoner Photo Studio can even backup your metadata. It also stores information in all three information standards—EXIF 2.2, IPTC, and XMP. Furthermore, Zoner Photo Studio is Unicode-friendly. That means your photo descriptions will look right no matter where in the world you call home. Zoner Photo Studio also makes it easy to keep track of photos from a variety of sources - from all your cameras to even mobile phones and other devices – and bring them together into one well-organized whole. Zoner Photo Studio can even include your photo archive of your CDs and DVDs.

Quality where it counts: everywhere!
If you are serious about digital photography, you know how critical it is to maintain the highest quality throughout your workflow. At Zoner Software, we understand quality and workflow. If your digital photo processing software doesn’t support the highest quality at each step of your workflow, your photos aren’t going to look their best. Each and every tool in Zoner Photo Studio used for editing, problem fixing, retouching, and filter masks supports 16 bits per channel color depth. With Zoner Photo Studio, you won’t have to worry about picture quality degradation caused by your photo processing software! Focus on making great photos and we’ll do the rest!

Industry standards: we’ve got you covered!
Avid photographers love the quality and additional processing capabilities that come with RAW files. These are practically synonymous with the highest-quality digital photos. RAW files hold all the metadata that was stored on the camera’s chip at the instant when the picture was taken. Zoner Photo Studio offers you a full suite of tools for processing RAW files from more than 150 camera types, so you can do everything from preview browsing to customized conversion (developing) of pictures into other editable formats. Naturally, Zoner Photo Studio supports the new DNG universal digital negative format!

Zoner Photo Studio Professional

О файле:
Активация|рег код: есть
Язык Интерфейса: English
Год выпуска: 2009
Формат файла: rar
Платформа/ОС: windows XP/2000/Vista/7
Размер файла: 66.59 Mb
md5: E1EC9A6E2562BAFB9C7EB96C48E15A29



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