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Скачать Sothink SWF Decompiler v.5.3.526 Portable

АвторАвтор: V1rus04ek | ДатаДата: 3 ноября 2009 | Нашли ошибку?
Sothink SWF Decompiler v.5.3.526 Portable

Sothink SWF Decompiler - утилита для конвертирования SWF в FLA и извлечения из них различных ресурсов. С помощью утилиты можно извлекать звуки, изображения, сценарии, шрифты и т.п. из готовых Flash-роликов (SWF, EXE). Sothink SWF Decompiler позволяет конвертировать Flash-файлы SWF в формат FLA. Программа также содержит инструмент SWF Catcher, который позволяет захватывать Flash-анимацию, которую можно просмотреть в браузерах Internet Explorer или Firefox. Программа совместима со всеми SWF элементами, такими как ActionScripts, звуки, изображения, видео, формы, рамки, точки, тексты, кнопки в различных форматах. Программа может скопировать отрывок из видео файла Flash и вставить его в любой *.flv формат. Интерфейс продукта логичен и прост в управлении.

Sothink SWF Decompiler is a professional tool to convert SWF to FLA and extract elements from SWF into variable formats. Compatible with all Flash versions including Flash 6, Flash 7, Flash 8 and Flash CS3 (9.0). Supports both ActionScript 2.0 and 3.0. After the converting, you can get the completed FLA file including linkages, components, *.as, etc. With SWF Decompiler, you can extract any element of the Flash movie such as shapes, morph shapes, images, sounds, videos, frames, fonts, texts, buttons, sprites and ActionScripts. E.g. you can extract ActionScript as *.as or *.bin file, get sounds as mp3 or wav, images as jpeg, bmp or png, videos as flv, shapes as gls, etc. Both standard SWF and EXE (Flash project) files are supported.

Sothink SWF Decompiler provides a user-friendly interface (Office 2007 Style). A built-in player enables you to preview the movie and every element before exporting. A thumbnail view enables you to pick element easily. And the interface layout can be customized to meet your needs. To make SWF Decompiler more appealing, SWF Catcher is offered. It is a free tool that can capture Flash movies online from Internet Explorer or Firefox.

Main Features
* Supports Flash 9 and ActionScript 3.0 completely.
* Converts SWF to FLA stably.
* Full supports Flash 6, Flash 7, Flash 8 and Flash CS3 (9.0).
* Compatible with both ActionScript 2 and ActionScript 3.
* Supports exporting FLA file with ActionScript 3.
* Supports exporting ActionScript in .as format.
* Supports Flash components.
* Decompiles the ActionScript code and generates neat and readable code.
* Shows the script code neatly within the program and exports the ActionScript while converting the swf to FLA.
* Can extract the shapes, sounds, images, sprites, fonts, texts and ActionScript from a Flash movie.
* Can extract the video file from a Flash movie and export it in *.flv format.
* Support scanning the cache of IE and listing all Flash files you have viewed.
* Enable to browse and preview any resource before exporting.
* Show detail properties of elements in Flash movies.
* Can be invoked from Windows Explorer.
* User-friendly Explorer-like interface.
* Supplies SWF Catcher for Firefox and SWF Catcher for IE.

Размер: 13.7 Mb
Язык Интерфейса: English
Платформа: Windows All
Оффсайт: www.sothink.com

Скачать Sothink SWF Decompiler 5.3 Build 526 Portable

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