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Раздел: Программы

Скачать Adobe Acrobat Professional_X [ Ver - ]

АвторАвтор: continueno1 | ДатаДата: 2 июня 2011 | Нашли ошибку?
Adobe Acrobat Professional_X [ Ver - ]

Adobe Acrobat Professional_X [ Ver - ]

Software Adobe Acrobat X Pro allows you to make PDF documents of professional quality. Create

and edit files and PDF, containing multimedia content, exchange infmation with a high degree of

reliability and efficiency of collecting feedback.

Creating a multi-media content
Presentation with voice commentary
Convert your static PowerPoint slides in PDF compelling interactive presentations with Adobe

Presenter 7. Just a few clicks you can add voice comments, videos and interactive features f

what would be your presentations look even better.
Convenient means of inserting video
Convert a variety of video fmats into a fmat compatible with Adobe Flash Player, using the Adobe

Media Encoder CS5. Add video into PDF files and view them in Adobe Reader 9 X.
Convenient recding your actions on the screen
Combine video action on the screen, sound, video, slides and other content into multi-functional

multimedia files using Adobe Captivate 5. Write a comment, follow the appropriate action on the

screen - including curs movements and keystrokes - and create an attractive presentation and

effective teaching materials.
Editing Photos
Edit and adjust photos, and then include them in presentations and promotions in PDF. Crop,

Retouch photos, adjust col and resize using simple tools that let you create professional-

quality content.
Fill in view of image content
You can remove any elements of the image with the Smart fill the empty area in view of the

contents of the surrounding areas. This qualitatively new technology allows f such image

characteristics, such as lighting, cols and noise, and perfectly fills the area to place the

remote object.
Easy selection of complex areas
Efficiently process images, giving them a flawless look. Easily perfm a selection of complex

image elements, such as hair, and remove the remainder of the edges of a coled background.
Improved handling of HDR images
Manipulate images, making them the perfect look. Dull cols me vivid, creating the image dynamic

range (HDR).
Dissemination of professionally designed materials PDF
Creating a PDF Ptfolio
Efftlessly combine different file types - including audio, video and multi-content - in a

polished, ganized PDF Ptfolio by perfming only three simple steps with the help of a special

Create custom PDF Ptfolios
Use layouts, themes, visual style and col palette to create your own ptfolio PDF. Make the

documents infmation about the brand, adding logos and cpate cols of the company. Impt different

layouts and themes of ptfolio PDF, third-party developers and designers.
Protecting confidential infmation
Protect infmation from unauthized users. Use passwds to control access to PDF documents and set

restrictions on printing, copying and editing files PDF.
Online file sharing
Use the services on Acrobat.com f sting and sending documents to any destinations of your

choice, within and outside your ganization, just knowing that you're not limited by the size of

their mailbox.
Features RePack versions:
- Manual and automatic settings to choose from


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Все материалы найдены на просторах сети интернет как свободно распространяемые и выложены исключительно в ознакомительных целях. Если вы являетесь законным правообладателем какого либо продукта и против его размещения на данном сайте, сообщите нам и мы немедленно удалим данный материал. Администрация сайта не несет ответственности за действия посетителей, нарушающих авторские права.
All materials are found on open spaces of a network the Internet as freely extended and laid out exclusively in the fact-finding purposes. If you are what lawful legal owner or a product and against its placing on the given site, inform us and we will immediately remove the given material. The administration of a site does not bear responsibility for actions of the visitors breaking copyrights.