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Скачать NVIDIA GeForce/ION Driver 275.33 WHQL *international*

АвторАвтор: zettta | ДатаДата: 1 июня 2011 | Нашли ошибку?
NVIDIA GeForce/ION Driver 275.33 WHQL *international*

Поддержка всех видеокарт GeForce от 6 до 500 серии!

Вышла новая официальная версия драйверов для видеокарт на базе графических процессоров компании nVidia. Данная версия предназначена для работы со всей линейкой графических процессоров компании (включая новые процессоры 500-ой серии), проходила WHQL-сертификацию.

Разработчик: nVidia
Год выпуска: 2011
Размер файла: 85 Мб, 109 Мб, 103 Мб, 136 Мб
Активация|рег код: не нужно

This is the first WHQL-certified release from the Release 270 family of drivers (versions 270.xx to 274.xx). You can read more about this family of drivers on GeForce.com.

This driver package supports GeForce 6, 7, 8, 9, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500-series desktop GPUs as well as ION desktop GPUs.

New in Release 270.61
GPU Support
Adds support for the newly released GeForce GTX 590, GeForce GTX 560 Ti and GeForce GTX 550 Ti GPUs.

Increases performance for GeForce 400 Series and 500 Series GPUs in several PC games vs. v266.58 WHQL drivers. The following are examples of some of the most significant improvements measured on Windows 7. Results will vary depending on your GPU and system configuration:

GeForce GTX 580:
Up to 516% in Dragon Age 2 (SLI 2560x1600 8xAA/16xAF Very High, SSAO on)
Up to 326% in Dragon Age 2 (1920x1200 8xAA/16xAF Very High, SSAO on)
Up to 11% in Just Cause 2 (1920x1200 8xAA/16xAF, Concrete Jungle)
Up to 11% in Just Cause 2 (SLI 2560x1600 8xAA/16xAF, Concrete Jungle)
Up to 7% in Civilization V (1920x1200 4xAA/16xAF, Max settings)
Up to 6% in Far Cry 2 (SLI 2560x1600 8xAA/16xAF, Max settings)
Up to 5% in Civilization V (SLI 1920x1200 8xAA/16xAF, Max settings)
Up to 5% in Left 4 Dead 2 (1920x1200 noAA/AF, Outdoor)
Up to 5% in Left 4 Dead 2 (SLI 2560x1600 4xAA/16xAF, Outdoor)
Up to 4% in H.A.W.X. 2 (SLI 1920x1200 8xAA/16xAF, Max settings)
Up to 4% in Mafia 2 (SLI 2560x1600 AA on/16xAF, PhysX = High)
GeForce GTX 560 Ti:
Up to 461% in Dragon Age 2 (SLI 1920x1200 8xAA/16xAF, Very High)
Up to 241% in Dragon Age 2 (1920x1200 4xAA/16xAF, Very High)
Up to 19% in Just Cause 2 (SLI 2560x1600 8xAA/16xAF, Concrete Jungle)
Up to 13% in Just Cause 2 (1920x1200 4xAA/16xAF, Concrete Jungle)
Up to 6% in Far Cry 2 (SLI 2560x1600 8xAA/16xAF, Max settings)
Up to 5% in Call of Duty: Black Ops (1920x1200 noAA/AF, Jungle Map)
Up to 5% in H.A.W.X. 2 (SLI 1920x1200 4xAA/16xAF, Max settings)
Up to 4% in Call of Duty: Black Ops (SLI 2560x1600 4xAA/16xAF, Jungle Map)
Up to 4% in Civilization V (1920x1200 noAA/AF, Max settings)
Up to 4% in Left 4 Dead 2 (SLI 1920x1200 4xAA/16xAF, Outdoor)
Up to 4% in Metro 2033 (SLI 1920x1200 4xAA/16xAF, PhysX on)

This is a new feature in Release 270 and later drivers. NVIDIA Update keeps your PC up-to-date with the latest NVIDIA drivers by notifying you when a new driver is available and directing you to the driver on www.nvidia.com. When you install a Release 270 or later GeForce driver from www.nvidia.com, you will be presented with the option to install NVIDIA Update. Click here to learn more about NVIDIA Update.

Adds support for applications using CUDA 4.0 features such as Unified Virtual Addressing (UVA) and GPUDirect™ v2.0.

Installs HD Audio driver version
Installs PhysX System Software to version 9.10.0514
Supports the new GPU-accelerated features in Adobe CS5.
Supports GPU-acceleration for smoother online HD videos with Adobe Flash 10.1. Learn more here.
Supports the new version of MotionDSP's video enhancement software, vReveal, which adds support for HD output. NVIDIA customers can download a free version of vReveal that supports up to SD output here.
Supports OpenCL 1.0 (Open Computing Language) for all GeForce 8-series and later GPUs.
Supports OpenGL 3.3 for GeForce 8-series and later GPUs.
Supports OpenGL 4.1 on GeForce 400 series and later GPUs.
Supports single GPU and NVIDIA SLI technology* on DirectX 9 and OpenGL.
Supports GPU overclocking and temperature monitoring by installing NVIDIA System Tools software.
Users without US English operating systems can select their language and download the International driver

Скачать драйвер NVIDIA GeForce/ION Driver 275.33 WHQL для Windows Vista / Seven x32 (137,99 МБ):

Скачать драйвер NVIDIA GeForce/ION Driver 275.33 WHQL для Windows Vista / Seven x64 (173,09 МБ):

Скачать драйвер NVIDIA GeForce/ION Driver 275.33 WHQL для Windows XP x32 (120,60 МБ):

Скачать драйвер NVIDIA GeForce/ION Driver 275.33 WHQL для Windows XP x64 (146,11 МБ):

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