Сборник софта для запуска с флешки в оболочке ASuite 1.5
Инструкция: 1. Распаковываем (кликаем unzip here.bat) 2. Копируем распакованное в КОРЕНЬ флешки 3. Запускается (автоматичеcки или вручную) файл ASuite.exe, откуда и выбирается и запускается нужная программа.
Список софта:
Games - Doom 2 - Quake 1 - PokerTH (Texas Holdem) - Puzzle Games (20 tiny games) - Transcendence (space game) - Skifree (the best game ever)
Antivirus - 1-2-3 Spyware Free - a-squared HijackFree - ClamWin Portable (with updates) - Avast Portable Virus Scanner - Avira Portable - Dr. Web Cureit - Mcaffee Stinger - Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - Hijack This
Internet Apps - 0IRC - Firefox Portable 3.5.2 - IE Cache Viewer - IE History Viewer - Mega IRC - Mozilla Backup - Mozilla Cache Viewer - Mozilla History Viewer - Pidgin Portable - QTweb - Thunderbird Portable - utorrent - XeroBank - Free Download Manager - Opera 9.64 USB
Multimedia Apps - Photoshop CS3 - UltraISO - PowerISO - Save2PCdownloader) - OJOSoft Total Video Converter - DVDFab Portable - Cool PLayer+ - Deep Burner - Fotosizer - Gimp Portable - InfraRecorder - IRFan View - VLC Portable - Media player Classic
Network Apps - Filezilla - WinSCP - NetSetMan (network settings manager) - Bluetooth Monitor - IP Netinfo - Look@lan - NetworkStuff - Networx - Smartsniff - TCPView - Angry IP Scanner - Follow Me IP - Softperfect Network Scanner - TCP Connection Monitor - Putty Portable - HTTP File Server - Mini SMTP Relay - QuickEasy FTP Server - UltraVNC Viewer - RealVNC Viewer - ShowmyPC (quick VNC server) - WHOIS - Wireless Network Viewer
Productivity Apps - Microsoft Word 2007 - Microsoft Excel 2007 - Microsoft Powerpoint 2003 - Abiword - Editpad Lite - HN Hexedit - Notepad++ Portable - SpeedCrunch (calculator) - Sumatra PDF Viewer - Sunbird (calendar)
Utility Apps - WinImage - Driver Genius 9 - HDD Regenerator (sector repair) - Paragon Partition Manager 10 - Partition Wizard Home Edition - Partition Table Doctor PTDD - QUAD Registry Cleaner - Recover My Files - TeraCopy Pro - Flashboot 1.4 - Advanced System Care - Tuneup Utilities 2009 - Itty Bitty Process Manager - Serials World - RegCure - PC Mover - Portable Norton Partition Magic - R-Studio Network File Recovery - Clone Remover (duplicate files) - Speed Commander - Total Commander
7-Zip - CCleaner - EasyCleaner - My Uninstaller - Revo Uninstaller - Startup Programs - Yourcleaner - AddRemove Programs - Explorer++ - Snowbird - XnView - Everything Search - File Folder Unlocker - Winmerge - ADRC File Recovery - Recuva Files - Softperfect File Recovery - Auslogics Disk Defrag - Defraggler - DiskMark (Disk benchmark) - CrystalDMI Bios Info - Command Prompt Portable - Driver Backup - MJ Registry Watcher - Process Explorer - ProduKey - SIV system info viewer - CheckUSBdisk - usb disk info - Bootit USB Flip - set flash disk as hard disk - USB Device Viewer
Информация о сборке: Год: 2009 Версия: MEGA Разработчик: kremit Платформа: Windows All Совместимость с Vista: полная Системные требования: USB-drive >1.5Gb Таблэтка: Всё включено Размер: 720 мб
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