Исполнитель: VA Альбом: The Ultimate Dance Top 100 Vol 3 Лейбл: Cloud 9 Dance Жанр: Dance Дата выхода: 07.07.2009 Качество: VBR kbps / 44.1KHz / Full Stereo Количество композиций: 100 Время звучания: 474:20min Размер:~ 426Mb
1. Chicane vs Natasha Bedingfield - Bruised Water 2. Paul & Fritz Kalkbrenner - Sky And Sand 3. Lasgo - Gone 4. Kid Cudi VS. Crookers - Day N Night 5. Sidney Samson - Riverside 6. R.I.O. - When The Sun Comes Down 7. Cidinho & Doca - Rap Das Armas 8. Kate Ryan - I Surrender 9. DJ Jean - Play That Beat 10. Quintin - Bleep It! 11. Sash! Ft. Stunt - Raindrops (Encore Une Fois Part II) 12. Daniel Bovie & Roy Rox - Stop Playing With My Mind 13. Chris Lake - Only One 14. Overnite - Where Is The Love 15. Martina Dennis - My Life Would Suck Without You 16. Tom Boxer Ft. Jay - A Beautiful Day 17. Nils Van Zandt vs. Sergio Silvano ft. Chaquilo Mc - The Beat Dont Stop 18. Norman Doray & Tristan Garner Ft. Errol Reid - Last Forever 19. Kevin Bryant - Who You Wanna Be (Bob Sinclar edit) 20.Cascada - Because The Night
2. Armin Van Buuren Ft. Jaren - Unforgivable 3. Dance 2 Trance - Power Of American Natives 4. Riva Ft. Dannii Minogue - Who Do You Love Now? (Stringer) 5. Sia - Buttons 6. Sied van Riel - MME 7. Benny Benassi Ft. Channing - Come Fly Away (Soha & Adam K Radio Edit) 8. September - Cant Get Over 9. Peter Gelderblom - Lost 10. Dave Darell - Children 11. Bart B More VS. Oliver Twizt - Finally 12. John Dahlback - Pyramid 13. Those Usual Suspects - Shadows 14. Lasgo - Out Of My Mind 15. Ian Oliver - Skankin 16. Nicole and Friends - Tears In My Eyes 17. M25 - Better Off Alone 18. G-Spott - N-R-G 19. De Bos - On The Run 20. Aldo Martinez & Corey Andrews - Destiny (Regroove Edit)
1. Wamdue Project - King Of My Castle 2. Laurent Wolf Ft. Eric Carter - Wash My World 3. Robin S - Show Me Love 4. Kristine W - Feel What You Want 5. D.O.N.S & Dbn Ft. Kadoc - The Nighttrain 6. Yves Larock Ft. Jaba - Say Yeah 7. Hi_Tack - I Dont Mind (Hardwell & Rehab Edit) 8. Oliver Twizt - Youre Not Alone 9. J ean Claude Ades - I Begin To Wonder 2008 10. Fake Blood - Mars 11. Seductive - Here We Go 12. Anthem - Its Gonna Be Allright 13. Stuart Ft. Maxine - Fuel To Fire (Stuarts Retro Edit) 14. Xtm Ft. DJ Chuckie - Flying On The Wings Of Love 15. Cascada - What Do You Want From Me 16. The Black & White Brothers - Put Your Hands Up 17. Robert Abigail ft. DJ Rebel - Merengue 18. L.B.G. - Good As My Love 19. Karanyi Ft. Judie Jay - Libido 20. DJ Silence Ft. Mc. Fadoua - Take Control
1. Tristan Garner vs Crystal Waters - Gypsy Woman 2009 2. Ralvero FT. Mc Boogshe - Party People 3. Chuckie - Aftershock (Cant Fight The Feeling) 4. Kaskade - Step One Two 5. Laurent Wolf Ft. Mod Martin - Seventies 6. Mischa Daniels vs De Nuit - All That Mattered (Love You Down) 7. Freemasons - If (Freemasons 2009 re-rub) 8. Funkerman ft. I-Fan - Remember 9. The Tamperer Ft. Maya - Feel It 10. Outsiders ft. Amanda Wilson - Keep This Fire Burning (Freemasons Edit) 11. Funk Fanatics Ft. Peyton - Love Is The Answer 12. Chris Lake featuring Nastala - If You Knew (Hardwell & DJ Rehab Dub) 13. DJ Yorit - Set You Free 14. Collective Sound Members - Honestly For You 15. Hardsoul Ft. The Soulhustlers - Never Gonna Stop 16. Matt Pincer - Red Fire 17. Magnesia - Today 18. DArgento - I Try 19. Daniel Portman - Open Your Mind 20.In Full Color - Into My Life
1. Armin Van Buuren Ft. Jennifer Rene - Fine Without You 2. Delerium ft. Sarah Mclachlan - Silence (Niles van Gogh vs. Thomas Gold Radio Edit) 3. Storm - Time To Burn 2009 (Rowald Steyn Radio Edit) 4. Dash Berlin with Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren - Man On The Run 5. R.O.O.S. - Instant Moments (Moederoverste Radio Mix) 6. Bart Claessen - Persona Non Grata 7. Pulp Victim - The World 8. Menno De Jong - Tundra 9. John OCallaghan Ft. Sarah Howells - Find Yourself 10. Yahel - Avalanche 11. Galen Behr vs. Hydroid - Carabella 12. Chriss Source pres. High Rollers - Fortuna 13. DJ Jose vs. G-Spott - Access 14. Sil - Windows 15. Groovewatchers - Sexy Girl 16. Addy Van Der Zwan - Nightmare 17. Jesse James - Lady 18. Danio Crespo - Suavemente 19. Kaskade - Angel On My Shoulder 20. Jennifer Page a?“ Underestimated
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